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Join us at the RIAS, 15 Rutland Square for our Management Meeting and CPD from SBSH and a discussion on Practice Risks

Management Meeting and CPD with the Scottish Building Standards Hub

10am: Management Meeting

10.30 Alan McAulay of the Scottish Building Standards Hub will talk to us about the establishment of this new initiative, discuss forthcoming regulatory changes, and take any questions we have.

11.45 Practice RIsks: a discussion on issues that are of risk to practice:

-              Contract Power: The power of construction contracts in a contracting construction industry

-              Safety: definition of acceptable risk

-              Responsibility and Influence: Finding the balance

-              Artificial Intelligence: the benefits and risks to architects

and to mitigate the these:

-              Risk management: an approach to Architecture

If you are a non ECAN member who would like to attend, please call 07753766342